Pete Buttigieg Enlists a Silicon Valley Vet to Bring in the Money
- 18th Ιούνιος 2019 12:48 μμ
- 4,727
- Business
Swati Mylavarapu worked at Square and Kleiner Perkins before pivoting to progressive startups. Now she applies lessons from the tech world to Pete Buttigieg's campaign.
Stunning Photographs Created With a Flashlight Lightsaber
- 18th Ιούνιος 2019 12:48 μμ
- 3,127
- Photo
"Liquid light painter" Denis Smith invented his own LED tools to shoot these photographs.
Lawyers in a Murder Trial Clash Over a DNA Forensics Method
- 18th Ιούνιος 2019 12:48 μμ
- 6,797
- Science
The first trial in which genetic genealogy helped identify a suspect is now underway, and the two sides are sparring over the limits of the new technique.
Your Google Calendar Isn’t Safe, an Eye-Controlled TV, and More News
- 18th Ιούνιος 2019 12:48 μμ
- 5,188
- Security
Catch up on the most important news from today in two minutes or less.
Huawei Says US Sanctions Will Reduce Revenue by $30 Billion
- 18th Ιούνιος 2019 12:48 μμ
- 10,473
- Business
The Trump administration last month barred shipments of any US technology to Chinese telecom giant Huawei.
Nuro’s Pizza Robot Will Bring You a Domino’s Pie
- 18th Ιούνιος 2019 12:48 μμ
- 10,117
- Transportation
It’s about half the size of a sedan, and for now it needs a chase car with a babysitter. For now.
The Ambitious Plan Behind Facebook’s Cryptocurrency, Libra
- 18th Ιούνιος 2019 12:48 μμ
- 5,450
- Business
Facebook designs a cryptocurrency that it won't fully control, but that will uniquely benefit Facebook.